Blog Library

Reduce your Toxin Load

It’s easy to overlook the impact of toxins on our health. However, It’s not hard to reduce your toxin load so, I’m sharing my own journey.

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Para Minha Filha

Para minha filha, em homenagem aos seus 17 anos – desejo que essa mensagem entre no seu coração e seja o seu discurso interno. 

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To celebrate my daughter’s 17th birthday, I want her to take this message deep into her heart so that it becomes her self-talk.

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Tudo que você precisa está dentro de ti, é a parte que pode te amar com todas as suas imperfeições. O autoamor é isso.

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Self Love

One is a whole number means all you need is at least you. All you need is within you! This is what self-love is all about.

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Quando nos machucamos ou contraímos algum corpo estranho o sitema imunológico aciona o mecanismo de defesa chamado inflamação.

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When we hurt ourselves or contract a virus or a bacteria, our immune system triggers the defense mechanism called inflammation.

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Ano passado comecei a estudar mais a fundo o vegetarianismo, o veganismo e seus impactos na nossa saúde e na do planeta.

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Last year I began to dive deeply into what vegetarianism, veganism, and their impacts would be on one’s health and that of the planet.

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Motherhood is magical, mother and child are born at the same time. After motherhood what I wish the most is that my kids make good choices.

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A maternidade é algo mágico. Depois de experimentar o amor de mãe o que eu mais quero na vida é que meus filhos façam boas escolhas.

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I have reasons to believe drugs should be used as a last resort. We already deal with too many toxins without them.

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Eu tenho vários motivos para acreditar que drogas devem ser usadas como o último recurso. Já lidamos com toxinas demais sem elas.

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Home Cooking

I feel very comfortable in a kitchen and today I am certain that home cooking is much more than a household chore.

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Anna Resende

Anna Resende

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach certified by IIN - Institute for Integrative Nutrition