Blog Library

What to Let Go of

To fully embrace the possibilities that lie ahead, it’s essential to discern what to take with you from the past and what to let go of. 

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Ultradian Rhythms

Incorporating breaks into our workday is essential for optimal health which comes from the understanding of ultradian rhythms.

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A Brain Drain

Like most of the drugs in existence, alcohol was first used as medicine. Nowadays, however, alcohol is considered a brain drain.

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Mind & Body Connection

Your mind is more powerful than you think. Curious about how you can reframe your thoughts to benefit from a balanced mind & body connection?

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What is Your Priority?

What is your priority? It takes a mindful self-assessment to know what activities align with your values and nurture your overall well-being.

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Sementes de Bem-Estar

Falar de hábitos saudáveis como sementes de bem-estar é parte essencial da minha missão de ajudar a tornar o mundo um lugar livre de doenças

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Anna Resende

Anna Resende

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach certified by IIN - Institute for Integrative Nutrition