
Heal with Love & Food

My dear cousin Aline left us way too soon. She was only 47 years old when she found out she had ovarian cancer. She had just recently launched her Personal Chef business: Bliss Point Cuisine.

Remission is Possible

My dear cousin Aline left us way too soon. She was only 47 years old when she found out about an ovarian cancer. She had recently launched her Personal Chef business – Bliss Point Cuisine. As a natural lifestyle lover, she knew she could heal with love and food. Therefore, she decided for an alternative treatment with a natural approach. Deep down she felt it was the right move! A good naturopathic oncologist started to see her and prescribed a plant-based diet and some holistic treatments. She tried and fought to live! There was so much life inside her! Unfortunately, she didn’t have time.


Aline was passionate about healthy living. Starting her personal chef business was a way to let people know healthy food could also be delicious. She was an amazing cook and loved nature in all its forms. Cooking healthy foods was a way to combine the two passions. She loved to be surrounded by nature. Loved the beach and swimming in the ocean. Loved to hike to waterfalls, mountains, and was always up to a walk or bike ride. She was a free spirit of an easy smile. A beautiful smile!

The Silent Cancer

Ovarian cancer is what doctors call a silent cancer. Because its symptoms are mainly generic, it’s hard to diagnose. By the time the doctors had a conclusive diagnostic, Aline’s cancer was already in an advanced stage. At that point, after many years of living in Florida, where she enjoyed the white sand beaches of Sarasota, she decided to be by the mountains. She found a very nice community of like-minded people in Ashville, North Carolina. Lots of vegetable gardens and holistic treatment options there. The small-town peaceful lifestyle with a magnificent mountain scenery made her feel good. The move was one step on the healing journey to find inner peace and belonging. Despite all the efforts to strengthen her body and mind her health continued deteriorating.

Heal with Love & Food

If I knew then what I know today I could’ve helped her more. I truly believe she has something to do with my career change. She might have given me intuition and inspiration. She still talks to me in interesting ways. I feel like she’s nudging me to help as many people as possible to avoid those devastating diseases. Maybe she is the guiding star pointing me in the right direction.

For all of you reading this, cancer is preventable. Nobody needs to go through the pain of losing their loved ones at a such young age. If cancer runs in your family, you have one more reason to clean up your diet. Learn how to heal yourself with love and food. Stay away from sugar and all processed foods. Fuel your body with real whole foods. Give your liver a chance to do its best by reducing the toxins load you put into your body. Stay active. Shield yourself from toxic relationships. Free your soul from all grudges, forgive. Treat yourself with love and compassion. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling to do all that. Take one step at a time. It’s all about progress, not perfection.


Keep in mind there are plenty of resources available to inspire, guide, and support you through this journey. Dr. Josh Axe, who coincidently lives in Ashville, NC, in his book Ancient Remedies tells us how he helped his mom’s cancer remission. Chris Wark has written a series of 3 books where he talks about his personal healing journey from cancer: Chris Beat Cancer, Beat Cancer Kitchen and Beat Cancer Daily. Ocean Robbins has written Eat to Defeat Canceran anticancer guidebook. Those are just some of the examples that it’s possible!

Although healing is possible for some, especially when detected soon and patient adherence to the new lifestyle is outstanding, prevention is for everybody! I hope you feel moved to start your own journey to be disease free. Heal yourself with love and food. You have the power of choice. Choose wisely!

Final Days

Aline spent her final months close to family. Sadly, her body gave up on her on May 19th, 2019, when she was only 50 years old. I believe she is in a better place now, free of all the physical pain. Every so often l feel her presence. More so when I drink the Life Force Tea she made me. Such a lovely gift!

She homemade an herbal tea with a mixture of various medicinal herbs. Carefully packed it in 36 tea bags and placed it in a wooden box which she decorated herself with magazine clippings of her favorite things. Each herb’s medicinal benefit was handwritten on little cards. Lastly, all the little notes were tied in a satin ribbon making a garland. An incredibly sweet gift and a delicious healing tea! Nevertheless, I have been drinking it sporadically to make it last longer.

The Recipe

Even though we grew up to have completely different personalities we shared some passions. We felt close and connected in our adulthood through our love for cooking, nature, and yoga. She shared many recipes and cooking tips with me. That’s why I decided to share with you one of hers famous. I’ve made it several times and it’s delicious and nutritious! Maybe trying to make new, nutrient-dense recipes yourself is a first step in your journey for a healthier you. Here it is for you to enjoy! In memory of my dear Aline!

Bliss Point Cuisine Granola by Aline Resende

  • 6 cups of rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup of coconut sugar
  • 1/2 tbs of cinnamon
  • 1/4 tbs of cardamon powder
  • 2 tbs of coconut oil
  • 1 tbs of maple syrup
  • 1/4 tbs of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup of dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup of dried blueberries
  • 1/4 cup of dried currants
  • 1/2 cup of walnuts
  • 1/2 cup of almonds
  • 1/4 cup of hazelnuts
  • 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
  • 1/4 cup of golden flaxseeds
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds

Melt the coconut oil and mix it with the oats. Add the coconut sugar, vanilla and maple syrup. Make sure the oats are nicely covered before you add all the other ingredients. Place it evenly on a cookie sheet. The secret is to bake it longer in a low temperature: 250oF for 50 minutes is what I found worked best. Enjoy with your favorite fruit or yogurt.

To your health!


PS.: Not only cancer but also other ailments like diabetes and autoimmune diseases can be healed and prevented by diet and lifestyle changes. For more information on that read my blog Mighty Body.

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