My story
My first-born child graduated from high school in 2021. As usual, before graduation, he had already been accepted to Kansas State University to major in Business. In August of that year, we moved him into his on-campus dorm. He was happy and excited, and so was proud Mamma!
In his third month as a college freshman, he decided he would drop one class to help with time management. He did so and still couldn’t keep up with schoolwork. I still remember the day he called and said he was not eating! We had made a home and boarding package with two meals a day at the super nice campus restaurant that is just by the dorms. He said it was way too busy! He couldn’t stand that many people. That was when I realized it was something more than time management. He didn’t want to seek help, and it started to get worse and worse.

I followed my gut, went to rescue him, and brought him back home, which was so far the saddest moment in my life. Sure enough, he was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and the doctor prescribed anti-depressant medication.

Later on, when I started my Health Coach training program, I found out that 40% of students drop out of college every year in the US. Three in every ten students do so before their sophomore year. A National Alliance on Mental Illness survey found that 64% of students drop out because of mental illnesses. Even worse than that, according to college student mental health statistics, around 1,100 US college students commit suicide every year, and 24,000 attempt to take their lives. Nationwide 4% of college students have depression and 2-8% are diagnosed with ADHD.
Our kids are getting sick! We need to help them! We, parents, can change these alarming statistics! There are ways, like Nutritional Psychiatry, to guide and support them to live a healthy life, to get them out of an unhealthy mental state, or to prevent it from happening in the first place.
My son took some time off and since he’s back home he has decided to do online college. In late 2022 his doctor suspended his medication. He is the reason why I’m dedicating my signature program to help kids and young adults be and stay healthy! Hopefully, they will start the ripple effect going on for future generations.
If you, your kid, or your student is struggling with mental health, I would love to help! To know more schedule a free Initial Consultation or sign up to receive new and exclusive Mental Health and Wellness content every week.
I’m super excited to share that my first e-book has been published!