
Finding My Truth

Change. I’d like to start this conversation with the word CHANGE, which many of us are terrified about, but not me. Let me tell you this, I just had my 50th birthday,

Change. I’d like to start this conversation with the word CHANGE, which many of us are terrified about, but not me. Let me tell you this, I just had my 50th birthday, yes, I’ve completed half a century in my current life on this planet, 50 turns around the sun and yet, I feel great! I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Why? Because entering my 50s is not the biggest change I’m facing right now! After 27 years of working as a Chemical Engineer, I’ve decided to change my path. Not because I was unhappy as an engineer but, because I never felt my real self as one.

I was never afraid of change, I’ve lived in 3 different countries, 6 different states, 8 different cities, and 12 different houses – just counting my adult life after college graduation. I’ve worked for 3 huge companies in 5 different plants between Brazil and the US and now I’m facing the biggest of changes: changing careers.

When we first move from Brazil to the US in 2013, we lived in Washington state. Three years later we moved to Kansas, and last year we moved to Tennessee. On all of the moves, I was able to keep or find a new job as an engineer but, in this last one. Talking with a former coworker he suggested health coaching as a job for me. I did not know it was a profession, nor that it even existed but, I decided to do some research. That was when I found IIN, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. IIN has been in the marketplace for 30 years and offers an innovative, transformational, and personalized online holistic wellness education. I took a quiz and 2 days later I got an e-mail with the program curriculum. It was love at first sight! I felt as if that curriculum was made for me, with all the classes and subjects I’m passionate about. Two days later I was registered and that took me on a journey that has been changing my life ever since.

For the past six months, I have emerged on this profound, transformational self-discovery, that made me feel the greatest I’ve ever felt in my life, and which made me find my truth! And the truth is that in every place I’ve worked what brought me joy was working with people, and helping them succeed. Well, this program not only transformed me, but it also gave me the knowledge and tools to help other people do the same. I finally found out that this is what I want to do for the next 50 years! I found a way to live and work with passion, have fun at work, and live with purpose. Now I’m a Health Coach!

Back in 2006, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I started writing a book. I wrote two chapters and, of course, my daughter was born, I also had a toddler, then life swallowed me and that idea became dormant. Well, guess what? I’m going to start writing now! This is what this blog is, a means to bring an old dream to reality. I’m going to write about everything that brings me joy, and all the different things that helped me feel as great as I feel today. It is the way I found to spread the word! I feel this urge to help as many people as I can, to write and let this new knowledge be widely available.

I will write about one different subject every week and post it every Friday. If this blog resonates with you, stay tuned for my Friday posts. I’m grateful for all the changes in my life and for the place it brought me! I’m grateful for all my wonderful family and friends that supported me through this journey! I’m thrilled to start working and living my calling! Gratitude always!


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